Building of the Castle

Tha castle was built in three periods. The main building was finished in renaissance style in the beginning of the XVII. century, which was later enlarged by a tower on the North side in 1659. The main building got its final aspect when the Southern tower was set up in the beginning of the VIII. century. In the 1860's the castle was divested of its renaissance character. Both in the inner rooms and on the facade, the windows and doors with stone frames were demolished, and were replaced by wooden- frame ones. On the facade the window holes were narrowed and the quadratic windows were replaced by pointed solo and double-windows. The building remained in this form for more than a hundred year.

The historic monument was first restored in 1960- 62 trying to bring back its original condition.   The subsequent  restoring and rebuilding works- taking place between 1996-2004 - took the castle even closer to its XVII. century look .

 The castle as a historic monument

 Ferenc Rákóczi II. visited Vaja two times during the freedom fights he lead. First he came on  19. July 1703, when he tried to win the noble men of Szabolcs county, -then later the whole country- to support the freedom fights with the help of the Vay brothers. The relationship between Ferenc Rákóczi II., Ádám, László and Mihály Vay goes back to the majesty betrayal case of 1701 as they were inprisoned in Bécsújhely,-  Wiener Neustadt today. The second visit of prince Rákóczi
happened when the freedom fights declined. He had talks with János Pálffy, the delegate of the emperor here,  on 31 January, 1711 . He wrote in his memorandum as follows:  The true desire of patriotism and peacefulness leads me to Vaja to have discussions with general  János Pálffy. …I arrived at nighttime. General Pálffy and I had accomodation in the same castle that night. He was already there welcoming me outside as I dismounted from my horse. As we were left alone,  Pálffy assured me of the goodwill of the emperor and encouraged me to write him a respectful letter. He also said, if I do so, he can promise me that the emperor will give for both  the nation and the people in Transylvania freedom based on the emperial law and the overall apologize for those who are still in arms. As far as I am concerned there is no such honesty, dignity, favour and wealth that I could not hope for, except the Transylvanian principality. Rákóczi refused all the personal advantages offered, and promised to write a decent letter to the emperor in three days. He had talks with Pálffy till late at night – and as he wrote- they left the place early in the morning together.
 Important talks took place in the castle of Vaja at the time of the Rákóczi freedom fights. The memorial plate on the wall immortalize the two visitation of prince Rákóczi.